لافتة داخلية
أخبار الشركة
وطن أخبار الشركة

2024 May Day International Labor Day

2024 May Day International Labor Day

Apr 30, 2024

According to the relevant regulations from the State Council's General Office and considering our company's specific circumstances, after thorough research and deliberation, we hereby announce the detailed arrangements for the 2024 May Day International Labor Day holiday as follows:


1.Holiday Period: The holiday will be observed from May 1st (Wednesday) to May 5th (Sunday), totaling 5 days. April 28th (Sunday) and May 11th (Saturday) will be designated as workdays.Please arrange your own schedule for related matters.


2.Return to Work: Colleagues are expected to resume work promptly on May 6th. Please make arrangements for any related matters accordingly.


3.To Our Partners: If you have any inquiries regarding RFID UHF passive and 2.45GHz active products, as well as 3D laser line profile sensors and etc products, please feel free to contact us. We will endeavor to respond promptly, even during the holiday period. We are sorry for the inconvenience during the holiday.


We take this opportunity to extend our best wishes to you and your families for an enjoyable holiday period.


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النشرة الإخبارية

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